Our elder law firm helps families qualify for nursing home MassHealth benefits while maximizing the preservation of assets for the ill and healthy spouse. Historically, MassHealth funding for programs designed to keep seniors at home paled in comparison to the costs incurred by Medicaid to care for persons in nursing homes. Fortunately, this is beginning to change.
The Affordable Care Act offers institutionalized seniors the option of returning to the community and Massachusetts is one of over forty states that participate in such programs.
MassHealth offers two Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waivers called the Money Follows the Person Waivers (MFP Waivers), which will help individuals who are qualified to move from a nursing home or long-stay hospital to an MFP-qualified residence in the community and obtain community-based services. For more information click the following link:
Eric R. Oalican